Addressing "The Grind"

One of the biggest complaints I've received over the past week is the  amount of "grind" in this game. At first, this was wholly deserved - as my own error made things difficult for players. This was a mistake that was difficult to notice in testing. I've since fixed that issue.  That "fix" has increased gains by 2-4x from what was originally intended. And that's not counting the use of the new feature - Zones, which can further increase the benefits you gain.

Generally, you only spend 1-3 minutes per in-game "day".  If you still think it's too slow, then I recommend becoming an Elite.  That's the only other way to speed up your progress - with the added benefit of supporting development. I'm now going to explain why the pacing is set this way.

I'm working on a few features that aren't currently implemented. Crisis Counter and Story Mode. I've already mentioned this to Elite Supporters briefly, so I will explain here as well.

Crisis Counter is a feature that is prevalent in a certain anime series. A looming threat is coming to your planet. It's much stronger than you, so you need to prepare - right?

Crisis Counter is a countdown period, during which you have a certain amount of time to prepare for the coming battle.  Naturally, you would need time to get stronger, so the game is already balanced to account for that from the outset. (Yes, in the future, you might actually be asking for more time between crisis events). Once the countdown is over, you'll be thrust into battle against your latest foe - or at least that's the plan.

Story Mode is basically what it sounds like - an original story for Wyvern Ball Z. This will allow you to get a feel for the characters and their personalities.

Both of these features will be completely optional to gameplay. 

The main reason I haven't included either of these two features is that they rely on the battle system, which is incomplete.  However,  I'm starting to regret that decision. It seems like many of you are discontent about not getting supporter features, so I'd like to put that into better perspective.

I'll share some stats:

  • 60,000 views currently (thank you, btw). 
  • Of those views, 25,000 are browser plays (once again, thank you!).
  • 7,100 downloads currently
  • And all this from about 400,000 impressions.  

Pretty good right? I think so, I'm actually blown away. But here's another metric to consider - the level of support the project receives. At current, that's about 46 people.

All of that translates to far less than 1% support from players, just 0.14% actually.
Is 1$ an unreasonable amount for your support of this project? Let's use that as a base point for some theoretical math.

If 1% of players donated 1$ to this project, that would have generated about 31,000$ before taxes or handling fees. Or, put another way, if I'd charged 2$ to play this game on as well - I'd have made a few thousand dollars at minimum by this point. That money is something I could use to hire voice actresses to provide unique voices for each Fighter, better visual effects and animations, better character designs and more.

Instead, I chose to make it free to play. As a result,  I've gotten 93 cents an hour for my efforts. Please don't mistake that as ungratefulness. I'm immensely grateful to those of you who have chosen to support the project. 

This # comes from the amount of time I've spent working on this project so far, about 2 months. Assuming a 40 hour work week (I actually work more than that) - 93 cents an hour.  I don't know many people who would be willing to work for that amount.

 So, to those of you who harbor frustrations, I see and hear you.  Communication is a two way street and I've responded to your concerns. with patches, fixes and updates. I've also I've shared my thoughts, all I ask is this -imagine how you would feel in my position.

But, it will all pay off eventually.....right?

- Alter Ergo

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